Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Dave gets up about 7 but mopes around in his dressing gown till 11. He goes to the internet, frets over PNFS emails, reads his book, waits for the paper, does the sudoku and then the crossword, wants coffee, lets the weather get him down still further... maybe a phone call or GP appointment will make him go and get dressed; it seems a painful effort. With luck, the mood lifts a little with lunch and activity, but he is just as likely to be cast into darker affliction of mind or else to outright anger or impotent protest by something Rogerson says or does. Today he found out from David Morton that he is not to be invited to the officers meeting on 10 February which, we suppose, will discuss his suspension and decide his fate. CR says in the invitation Dave didn't get that the meeting on 10 February will discuss (1) the examiner's report and (2) DCB's behaviour since 19 October. In other words, CR will try to persuade the officers that despite the inquiry findings Dave should be expelled. And so forceful is the ruthlessness of Rogerson and Bratt, and so poisonously slippery their tongues, that their will is likely to prevail. And since fairness has never entered into this dispute from the start, Dave is not going to get a chance to put his side of the argument in person.
So he will have to rely on briefing David Morton, Bill Bailey and anyone else willing to support him. But how willing can we expect them to be, given the dominance of the president and chairman, and the fact that the officers are heartily sick of the whole affair?
Back in November, friends said walk away; they're not worth the bother of fighting; nobody gains. Three months later, Dave is still fighting; he has the moral high ground but the trustees have all the power. Dave says he would willingly resign, but not before publicly clearing his name. I know he is right.

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