But it seems to have left him more bitter and downcast than ever.
I summarised the 30 pages into 3. This is my summarised summary:
Results of the investigation into Dave Brown’s expenditure while Acting Secretary of PNFS
The investigation by the independent examiner Ms Elizabeth Hudson ACA covered:
- DCB’s expenses claims from 1 January 2010 to 28 October 2011
- items of expenditure authorised by DCB from 1 January 2011 to 3 October 2011
- whether any matters relating to these expenses and items of expenditure should be reported to the Charity Commission or other agency.
· DCB made and sought no personal gain for himself or his family, so there is no need to report to the Charity Commission or other agency.
· DCB broke no formal rules or procedures, because there were none to break. All his actions were wholly explicable, in their context. However, it would be in the interests of all officers and members if procedures were agreed and formalised to prevent risk to the Society’s funds and standing, and to its members’ reputations, in future. DCB had drafted a spending policy for discussion at the trustees meeting on 7 September 2011 but the trustees had refused to discuss it.
· The root causes of the dispute were lack of communication between the secretary and the trustees, and the lack of formalised procedures on expenses and expenditure.
· This dispute deprived members of a dedicated, efficient and popular secretary, newsletter editor and publisher, IT consultant and short-walks organiser for 4 months. This looks like a grossly inappropriate response to a difference of opinion between officers, which goes against Charity Commission guidelines as well as against common sense.
· If anything good is to come out of the dispute, it is to alert the Society to the need to put its business on a more formal, professional footing in line with Charity Commission guidelines, before any other officer can be humiliated, the work of the Society interrupted, and the competence of the trustees further called into question.
Can these issues wait until the AGM in May? I think Dave needs to get the other officers in the frame as soon as possible. Today he is now saying 'I want to be reinstated. I don't believe they had the power to suspend me in any case. If I am to resign I want to do it on my terms.' Which is more positive than railing about being powerless to get back at Bratt.
He wants me to go on Bratt's walk with him on Wednesday. I said I wasn't sure he should go himself, as a confrontation with the leader wouldn't do him any good in the eyes of the members. He says he's not going there to pick an argument with Bratt, but I suppose I'd better go to make sure he doesn't. (Or to fight for him if he does.)
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