Sunday, 22 January 2012

Sunday 22 January 2012

Vociferous support from David Morton, who wants to email all the officers making clear what he thinks of the trustees - in terms such as 'irrational'... 'run by just two forceful men, one of them allegedly seeking an exit, who having worked with you for years, suddenly decides he can no longer do so and that he still has the power, along with his pal the president, to force you out'... 'You were never formally suspended, nor even formally accused of anything. Innuendo, hinting that you had done something unspeakable, was substituted for plain speaking, and common sense went out the window. Not one of the trustees sought our opinions or mentioned mediation, even though it was needed and indeed is recommended by the Charity Commission. When we tried to give our opinions anyway, they were pooh-poohed, patronised and sidestepped.'

Strong stuff. Dave warned him to take care, as he will have burnt his boats with the Society once CR gets to read it. Also, we're not so sure the fuss started with CR - Bratt is equally involved. But as well as provoking anger on Dave's behalf, the affair has galvanised the officers into realising they can't let the trustees bully them any more and must come up with a form of governance that restores rationality and good will among the officers and curbs the power of the trustees. 'The trustees are at best a useful backstop or safeguard, a second chamber.'

DM will sound out the other officers at Taylor House tomorrow, and DCB will try to get a meeting held next Monday, whatever CR's response to the suggestion. However, his resolve sputters and falters: 'I don't know if I do want to go back. I'm tempted to leave them to flounder.' I get cross at him for continuing to moan even when he is getting support. 'I acknowledge it would be hard to work with Bratt or Rogerson again. But just see what comes of the officers meetings. You don't have to decide until the AGM.' As usual he fixes on the worst-case scenario. 'They won't apologise. They'll find some ruse to keep me suspended.'

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