Friday, 13 January 2012

Friday 13 January 2012

Yesterday evening the internet vanished from our house. This caused me not to waste time surfing it, but also cut off email, msn and BBC weather, so we all felt totally out of touch for 10 hours. When Dave discovered it was still off in the morning, it made him hiss withrage, and when he demanded to go up in the loft over Catherine's bedroom to reset the server, that made her hiss with fury. So the cat and I went up to my room, and when I tried turning my computer off-and-on-again - dutifully, as one does, in case it solved anything - that made a hiss too, which made the cat jump off and hiss because she thought it was the microwave...
Dave rang the ISP about it. He went through about 6 levels of automated response, until he finally got a voice that said, 'All our offices are closed until 9am. However, if your query concerns failure to access the internet, why not try our help section at www. ...' Two minutes later the internet came back on, starting with BBC weather, so everyone cheered up again.

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