Saturday, 4 August 2012

Saturday 4 August - trying to wind up the PNFS business

D did write offering his services in any work that needed doing around Taylor House but forbore to point out that the computer system was unsecured, the ink and stationery supplies depleted, the membership list incomplete, the newsletter irregular, the Volunteers Handbook not yet updated... He was not surprised when Rogerson replied sweetly that, as they were in the fortunate position of having appointed two new Vice Chairmen, all the jobs at Taylor House were being well taken care of and, in view of past difficulties, it would be better not to take Dave up on his offer. Dave said 'There! That proves that all he has done to obstruct me was personal. They have broken the agreement made at the AGM that as I am a fit and proper person to be an officer I can continue being one.'
I said 'Then walk away. PNFS does not deserve you. Find something else to worry about.'
He said 'But I want to be membership secretary when Bill resigns next year. I'd be good at that.'
'No! Nobody will want you stirring things up again. You only want to get back at Rogerson.'
If only we could think of one stinging retort, he might leave it at that. Short of telling all the officers 'That's what comes of calling the chairman a liar,' which might cause a lawsuit, I haven't thought of anything suitable yet.
D spent all of next day as well chewing it over, with suggestions ranging from applying anonymously to be a volunteer at Taylor House, to slipping in there one evening and leaving a virus on the computer. I tell him that by letting Rogerson's wiliness get under his skin he is letting him win. Why can't he just write and tell him 'I have no wish to be associated with an organisation run on lines of deceit, vindictiveness and mismanagement. The key is available for collection by arrangement' and leave it at that?
Pride, that's why.

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